This Week's [in]Security - Issue 171
Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Fallout from US Unrest. Facebook Ad boycott. Covid-19: Spread & Curve. Lockdown, Reopening, & The New Normal....
Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Trending: The great mask debate. Other PPE. The spread and curve. Projections. Responses. Behaviour - the good, the bad, and the ugly. Magecart. Breaches: Key Ring, Marriot (again), Dueling Network, Redis, Zoom. Equifax post-mortem. WFH and privacy. Zoom privacy. DHS biometric db. Meme privacy. EARN-IT. FISA abuse. Wi-Fi 6E. NIST updates and events. COVID Treatments, Innovation, Vaccines. In the water? Gearing up. More DoH. And More.
Now here's this week’s selection of news, opinions, and research. Quickly skim annotated links organized by topic: compliance and payment security, breaches, regulation, bugs, privacy, hacking/malware, other security & risk, and more. We hope you enjoy and find them useful.
Coronovirus updates. We recently change the way we report COVID articles to you so it is less overwhelming. Many COVID articles will appear within our normal blog section headings each with a sub-group dedicated to COVID-19. For example:
Our first regular reports on coronavirus can be found at And our first use of the trending topic section can be found
The great mask debate:
The spread and curve:
Responses and reactions:
The Good:
The Bad:
The Ugly:
News and announcements relating to Payment Security, PCI, Card Brands, Payments, Payment Malware and Fraud.
Covering breaches, leaks, data exposures, ransomware (as potential breach), and their fallout.
Articles about privacy related news, risks, and trends.
COVID-19 Privacy:
News about laws, regulations, and standards affecting security, privacy, technology, and public interest.
COVID 19 Regulations/Restrictions/Policy:
NIST updates and events:
Covering developments and opportunities that may help improve security.
COVID-19 Tests, Treatments, Innovation, Vaccines:
Articles about newly discovered vulnerabilities and research.
News covering active trends and events.
COVID-19 Crime and Cybercrime:
Articles covering other types of risks.
COVID-19 Economic impact and articles that don't fit anywhere else:
A variety of scientific, technical, historical, and more light-hearted news.
Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Fallout from US Unrest. Facebook Ad boycott. Covid-19: Spread & Curve. Lockdown, Reopening, & The New Normal....
Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. PCI FAQs. Magecart surge. COVID test data. New breaches: 320M dating records. influencers. Access keys. New...
Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. Trending: Improved layout. COVID-19 update spread, impact, and behaviour. Extreme measures. Supplies. Masks....