Welcome to This Week’s [in]Security. This week: detailed alert on trending e-commerce attack methods, PCI glossary for small business, PCI seeks input on SPoC MSR, large surveillance db leak, watchlists exposed, many NIST announcements, FPE update, patent on opting-in, fix-it-already project, fighting fake news with MetaFact, fighting trolls in the midterms, USB-C Thunderbolt risks, a slew of bugs, SuperMicro vulnerabilities used to pwnd IBM cloud servers, Comcast and Kanye West have nothings in common, financial group undermining TLS 1.3, Quadriga's empty cold-wallets, Marriott's GDPR liability, moderator PTSD, carbon sequestering, the solar system gets bigger, and more.
Now here's this week’s selection of news, opinions, and research. Quickly skim annotated links organized by topic: compliance and payment security, breaches, regulation, bugs, privacy, hacking/malware, other security & risk, and more. We hope you enjoy and find them useful.
News and announcements relating to Payment Security, Payments, PCI, and Card Brands.
Covering breaches, leaks, data exposures, and their fallout.
Articles about privacy related news, risks, and trends.
News about laws, regulations, and standards affecting security, privacy, technology, and public interest.
Covering developments and opportunities that may help improve security.
Articles about newly discovered vulnerabilities and research.
News covering active trends and events.
Articles covering other types of risks.
A variety of scientific, technical, historical, and more light-hearted news.